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Research-Backed Programming Techniques

7 Proven Strategies to Become a Better Programmer: Research-Backed Programming Techniques for Mastery

Discover 7 research-backed programming techniques to become a better programmer. Learn proven strategies like pair programming, and distributed practice for mastery.

Becoming a better programmer isn’t just about coding every day. It’s about using the right strategies. Research-backed programming techniques are essential for improving your skills. These techniques are supported by studies and meta-analyses from education and cognitive science.

This article will explore seven strategies proven by research. They include pair programming, practice testing, distributed learning, and more. These methods are not just for beginners. Advanced programmers can also benefit. Let’s dive into the research and see how these techniques can improve your programming.

1. Pair Programming: A Research-Backed Programming Technique for Better Results

Pair programming is one of the most effective research-backed programming techniques. It involves two programmers working together. One writes code while the other reviews it. The process leads to better outcomes. Studies show pair programming leads to higher test scores and project completion rates.

A meta-analysis in 2017 showed that students using pair programming performed better. They were also more engaged. The research found that pair programming increased retention of information​ By working with another programmer, you catch mistakes early. This reduces bugs and improves the quality of your code.

For example, if you’re solving a problem, your partner might see a solution you missed. This collaboration leads to better decision-making. Pair programming also helps with soft skills. Communication is key in coding teams. When you work in pairs, you learn to explain your thoughts. This makes you a better communicator and a better programmer.

Even professional developers use this technique. Companies like Google and Facebook encourage pair programming. It helps teams work faster and reduces the chance of errors. The research shows that this method is not just for beginners. It’s a valuable tool for advanced programmers too.

2. Practice Testing: The Science of Self-Assessment in Programming

Another essential research-backed programming technique is practice testing. This involves testing yourself on the concepts you’ve learned. Research shows that self-testing is more effective than passive review​. When you actively retrieve information, you strengthen your memory.

For programmers, this could mean solving coding challenges or quizzes. Instead of rereading a textbook, write a program from memory. This forces your brain to retrieve the information. Studies show that practice testing improves retention by up to 50% compared to passive study​.

The key to effective practice testing is feedback. When you get something wrong, correct yourself immediately. This makes learning more efficient. You understand the material better when you identify and fix mistakes. For example, if you’re learning algorithms, test yourself on different sorting methods. Write the code from memory. If you make a mistake, review the solution, then try again.

Research also shows that practice testing works for both simple and complex tasks​. Whether you’re learning basic syntax or advanced algorithms, testing yourself helps. This method forces you to actively engage with the material, leading to better understanding.

3. Distributed Practice: Spreading Out Your Learning

Distributed practice is another powerful research-backed programming technique. Instead of cramming all your learning into one session, you spread it out over time. This approach has been proven to improve retention and understanding​. For programmers, this means breaking down your learning into smaller sessions. If you’re learning a new language or framework, don’t try to master it in one day. Spread out your study sessions over a week or more. Research shows that distributed practice leads to a 20-30% improvement in retention compared to cramming​.

This technique works because it gives your brain time to process the information. When you revisit a topic after a break, you reinforce what you’ve learned. For example, if you’re learning JavaScript, practice functions one day and loops the next. This approach helps you retain the information for longer.

Distributed practice is especially useful for complex topics. If you’re working on a difficult algorithm, take breaks and return to it later. You’ll often find that the solution becomes clearer after some time away from the code. Research shows that spacing out your study sessions leads to deeper processing and better problem-solving skills​.

4. Self-Explanation: Understanding by Teaching Yourself

Self-explanation is another powerful learning strategy. This technique involves explaining what you’re learning to yourself or others. Research shows that self-explanation improves problem-solving skills and retention​.

For programmers, self-explanation can take the form of talking through your code. As you write, explain what each line does. If you’re working on a project, try explaining your approach to a friend or colleague. This process forces you to think critically about your choices.

One study found that students who used self-explanation performed better on tests​. The act of explaining forces you to connect new information with what you already know. This leads to deeper understanding and better retention. For example, if you’re learning about data structures, explain to yourself why a tree is more efficient than a list in certain cases.

Self-explanation also helps you catch errors. When you explain your thought process, you’re more likely to notice when something doesn’t make sense. This makes it a valuable tool for debugging.

5. Interleaved Practice: Mixing Up Your Learning

Interleaved practice is a research-backed programming technique that involves mixing different types of problems in one study session. This approach forces your brain to switch gears, making learning more challenging but more effective​.

For example, instead of spending a week only on algorithms, mix in some database queries or front-end development challenges. This variety forces your brain to adapt to different types of problems, which improves retention and problem-solving skills.

A study on learning techniques found that interleaved practice was more effective than focusing on one topic at a time​. By mixing up your practice, you make your brain work harder, which leads to better learning outcomes.

For programmers, this means rotating between different coding tasks. One day, work on algorithms. The next day, focus on debugging. This approach keeps your brain engaged and helps you build a more diverse skill set.

6. Version Control: Tracking Your Progress

Version control is essential for programmers. It helps you manage changes to your code and keeps a record of your work. But research shows that version control is also a powerful learning tool. By tracking your progress, you can see how much you’ve improved​.

Version control tools like GitHub and Bitbucket allow you to track every change you make. This provides a history of your work, which is useful for self-reflection. Research shows that tracking progress helps you learn faster. You can identify mistakes more easily and learn from them​.

For example, if you’re working on a project, use version control to commit your changes regularly. This will give you a clear picture of your development process. Over time, you’ll be able to see how your coding skills have improved. This feedback loop is essential for continuous learning.

7. Open-Source Contribution: Learning by Doing

Contributing to open-source projects is one of the best ways to improve as a programmer. Research shows that hands-on experience is the most effective way to learn​. When you contribute to open-source projects, you get real-world experience and collaborate with other developers.

Open-source projects expose you to different coding styles and best practices. You learn how large projects are structured, and you gain experience working in teams. This gives you a deeper understanding of programming. It also helps you build a portfolio of work that you can show to potential employers.

Research shows that contributing to open-source projects leads to better learning outcomes than working on isolated projects​. The collaborative nature of open-source projects forces you to engage with other developers, which improves your communication skills and coding abilities.


Becoming a better programmer requires more than just practice. You need to adopt strategies that align with how your brain learns best. Research-backed programming techniques like pair programming, practice testing, and distributed practice can accelerate your progress. By incorporating these methods into your routine, you’ll become a more effective programmer.

These techniques are supported by research, so you can be confident that they work. Start applying them today and watch your programming skills improve.

Abhishek Acharya
Abhishek Acharya
Articles: 18

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