Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

About Abhis1

Ever wonder what happens when a data scientist obsessed with philosophy, psychology, and movies decides to write? This. Welcome to, where I explore everything that makes us human—one thought, one idea, one review at a time.

Abhishek Acharya

Who am I?

I’m Abhishek Acharya, a Fullstack Developer & Data Scientist Specializing in Python and Machine Learning and Pursuing MSc in Data Science. I’ve worked as a technical writer, web developer, and a data analyst and I’ve been knee-deep in the world of tech for a while now. But I’m more than just numbers and code. I’ve battled with depression and anxiety, which has pushed me to explore psychology, mental health, and the ways we can all cope better with life’s challenges.

When I’m not crunching data or coding, you’ll find me questioning everything—life, the universe, why some movies stick with us, and what drives human behavior. This blog is a reflection of my journey. I’m not here to preach. I’m here to share, to connect, and to think out loud.

About My Background

  • Studied +2 Science at Padmodaya Public Model Higher Secondary School, Ghorahi, Dang, Nepal
  • Studied Business Computing and Information Systems (BCIS) at Apex College (affiliated with Pokhara University), Mid Baneshwor
  • Currently pursuing MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence at Softwarica College (Affiliated with Coventry University)
  • Have Coursera certifications such as ‘The Science of Well-Being’, ‘Creating Behavioral Change’, ‘The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know’ etc.

So, What’s This Blog About?

Life: No sugarcoating. I write about the raw, real experiences we all go through. From personal growth to dealing with mental health challenges, it’s all on the table.

Philosophy: Ever stayed up late thinking about the meaning of life? Me too. I dive into big ideas like absurdism and stoicism, and how they can help us live better, even when the world doesn’t make sense.

Psychology: I’ve spent years studying the human mind. Not just academically, but also through my own struggles with depression and anxiety. Here, I break down psychological concepts into insights you can actually use in your life.

Technology: As a data science student with a passion for AI, I’m fascinated by how tech is changing everything. I explore how data, AI, and emerging technologies are shaping our future—and what that means for you and me.

Film: Movies aren’t just entertainment. They’re windows into human nature. I review films with a twist—analyzing them through the lenses of psychology, philosophy, and storytelling to reveal what they’re really trying to say.